Love Letters | Honor Your Anger

Secretly mad about something?

Hiding how pissed off you are to appear "polite" and not rock the boat?

Tired of putting on a happy face for everyone?

From an early age, most of us are taught that our anger is wrong, bad and should be tamped down.

So we hide that fiery energy in our minds and bodies and this can lead to dis-eases of many kinds.

Watch this week's 11-minute Love Letter video to learn how to honor your anger in a healthy way!

"I feel so blocked. I don't know what the problem is."

This week it's important for you to honor your anger. Honor your anger.

Now you may be watching this and be the most happy and positive person you know. I'm sure you're just like me where you love to spread sunshine and positive energy and because of that there's nothing wrong, right?

No one ever makes you angry. In fact, I bet you can't even remember the last time you were actually angry or even showed any anger. 😉

How hard do you smile when you do share your smile? Is it like this or are you sharing your joy with ease?

Are you pushing that sunshine and positive energy out of you? Or is it naturally flowing out with a sense of ease, abundance and just spilling out of you? Or could we be pushing?

If you feel like you're pushing to be positive, keep listening because rather than being the happiest person you know you just might be the angriest person you know.

Get this. Did you know that most highly sensitive individuals, those who are energy workers, healers, body workers, people who have a servant's heart and are really here for a healing purpose are in fact the angriest persons on the planet? They're the angriest people.

Yes, really. Zen master that you see doing her yoga Zen thing or his yoga Zen thing actually is pretty darn angry.

It's interesting because that intense fire energy is what motivates the person to give so much. It motivates us, you, to be that change that you wish to see in the world, to really want to clean up and have the nice house that's all put together and everything where it's supposed to be.

It's that fire energy that motivates you to get to the gym everyday or to get into your yoga practice everyday. It's that fire energy of anger filling up your empathic sense and you think it's other people's negativity but I'm here to tell you, you actually need to honor your anger.

There's nothing wrong with anger. In fact anger is quite beautiful, just like fire.

Now, you can have in a fireplace the ability to admire the fire safely and have it warm your environment and really bring more of a sense of beauty and sensuality to your space. That fire energy, just oh my god, I love fireplaces, they're so sensual. It's wonderful, right?

So grounding or you could have it spread in her own divine feminine way consuming everything in her path destructively such as a forest fire where oh crap or the house is caught on fire because of one little thing, one little trigger and she just starts consuming all of the fuel that confirms her anger energy and just explodes out or perhaps if there's enough fuel.

Be kind to yourself. It's time to honor your anger and see the beauty in her.

Now as I'm talking to you, you're like this love letter is totally not for me. Hold on a second.

Anger that is not honored can show up in sneaky ways and we cover these ways in many different love letters but in particular we're talking about anger this week but it's suppressed energy.

Suppressed energy can affect your sexual libido, can give you achy joints, neck, jaw, head and eye tension, tensed pelvis, let's see, what else? We're just going to go down the list.

Water retention, excess weight holding, insatiable appetite. We just keep eating and for some reason we're not getting built. Repressed anger energy can also come up as feeling blocked or confused, craving a sense of clarity that we just can't seem to get.


Know this: Anger that is not honored can manifest in sneaky ways, such as inflammation, aches, apathy and confusion.


I'm just really trying to clarify my message but I can't quite get to it because I'm blocked. No, actually, you have some anger in you to release.

This week in particular, it's time for you to honor your anger.

Now the oracle cards are coming in the energy. It's the Indigo Angel Oracle cards deck.

This is actually a really great oracle cards deck for working through our anger.

I just saw the image in the energy of an iceberg and this is how engaging your anger works.

You may think you've gotten to it. Like I'm mad about this but there's a whole … like the little iceberg on top, the split image and then the big, big cavernous iceberg underneath the water. There's layers and layers and layers of anger energy that you can release.

Trust. And they're telling me to read.

The trust card comes up.

Oh boy, I could feel someone on the other side of the screen being like, "oh God, what are we going to find out now." Take a deep breath in and exhale.

This card asks you to trust that there's a purpose to life right now. The guy just saying that there's a purpose to your anger. Keep faith that the chaos you see around you has an underlying meaning and divine design. When times are hard, naturally sensitive people can feel that the world has been orchestrated to work against them and that nothing is fair. The truth is that your viewpoint has not yet expanded enough to put your problems into perspective. As you age, you'll see that what seems overwhelming and unbearable now is only a minor hitch. Trust that there's so much more out there including magical experiences for you available to you right now. You will see how balanced the world has the potential to be when you look for them. Take this card as a reminder to persevere, stay strong and believe in yourself because the world needs you more than you may know.

And here's where we'll end.

The gift of your anger, just like fire, is that it brings light to the world.

Do you ever notice that when you really honor your anger and confront it, stand in it, you're so clear about what you're mad about? Magically and your body generates clear sensations and feelings to expel and express that anger. You need to trust that that is actually for your positive gain and that your anger is not something that is inherently bad.

In the past you've been told that being angry is bad. It's not what good boys do and it's certainly unladylike to be angry. It's natural.

You see it out in the wild and animals all the time, they process through that ferocity, ferociousness, right, and allow it to move right through them but do they stay in that or like suck it in? No, they express and they use it to break through whatever is in their way. Some healthy ways to express your anger include exercise or screaming in your car with the windows closed by yourself as you drive, writing it out, drawing, tearing up pieces of newspaper that belong to you.

Post below what are some examples of ways that you process your angry in a healthy way.

Do you go to a kickboxing or an MMA class? Do you dance it out? Share how you process that fire energy that you naturally have so that as a tribe we can come together and let it go. Okay?

I'm sending you so much love, subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letters first every week and I'll see you next time. Bye. Happy angering.

In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Honor your anger by engaging Her in a healthy way.

Dance, run or scream it off, tear up old papers and magazines, or take a kickboxing class.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


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