Love Letters | One Sticky Idea – Part 2 of 5

We're back here at Washington Rock State Park for the continuation of our five-part series around perspective and stepping into your divinity in life and business.

This week in particular, my guides have asked me to talk to you about making one big idea sticky. One big idea. Last week, we talked about the power of stepping back, making sure that we're taking in that 20-mile view of our lives, first. And this is the perfect setting to discuss that because we've got a good 20 or 30-mile view here at Washington Rock State Park.

It's important also to be out in nature to allow your surroundings to help your mindset to expand. That's what we discussed last week, the power of stepping back, first, if we're really going to step in to our divinity. Whether it's this month, this year, or in this era of your life, we need to step back, first. And so, this week in particular, we want to take that perspective, that massive perspective, and whittle it down into one idea. Again, it's the dead of winter and I’m outside here for you, so I'm going to make this quick. Lol!

The idea, the exercise this week that my guides gave me for you so that you can make that big perspective small and to make it really stick in your heart and mind is kind of the inverse of what we did last week. Being here at Washington Rock we're using the space, we're using the openness, the vastness of the environment to open our hearts and minds, or wherever you go. Maybe for you, it's going to the ocean. Or, maybe for you, it's going skiing or going up onto the rooftop wherever you are. By the way, comment below or send me an email back at Let me know where did – or do – you go to expand your perspective and really step back in a big way?

This week, instead, what we're going to do is use space to help us make a big idea small and sticky; what’ I’m talking about quite literally is a sticky pad. What is this pad, I’d guess about three inches or around three centimeters square? This is the amount of space to which that you have to whittle down your idea, and I recommend writing with big letters. Big ideas are best distilled down into about six words maximum, so I challenge you to do that on behalf of the spirit guides to really help you focus on your path to stepping into your divinity.


Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: You can use space to help make a big idea small and sticky – use a sticky note pad to force you to use words that are concise and focused. #focus #entrepreneur #startwithwhy @SenseiWhitfield

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Ask yourself: What's your main outcome? What's your soul’s one desire? What is the one thing that you want the most? For me, what it came out to when I wrote my sticky was to feel loved at work. “To feel loved at work” is just five words. What's yours? Write it down on a sticky, and share it with me on Facebook at

With that, I'm going to go ahead and pull the oracle card of the week. We're journeying over these five weeks with the Isis Oracle Cards Deck by Alana Fairchild. Let's see here. What've we got? ...Ooh, awesome! “Soul retrieval. Deep soul healing with the goddess.”

I’m just going to tune in for a second now, to hear what’s the message: Guides, what do we need to know about soul retrieval and deep soul healing with the goddess? ...The first thing that drops in for me as I tune in for you is Reunion.The more that you give yourself time and space – and I mean like compressed space, or even compressed time – the more you give yourself time and space to get clarity, the more you reunite with more of who you really are.

This says soul retrieval, and it means that the more that we give ourselves these experiences and commit to actually doing the work, the more of our own power that we may have lost or forgotten along the way – whether in this lifetime or, depending on your beliefs, in other lifetimes – the more that we give ourselves time to reunite and get that clarity, the more we recover. Robert Bly describes soul as something “low and wet”, whereas spirit is something high and dry, high and bright. Soul is that which motivates us, brings us passion, joy, love, emotion, gives us strength to go on no matter what our lessons, whether they've been hard won, or from the parts of us that we may have rejected.

When we're recovering soul, this is really about us connecting to our deep passions, and how beautiful would it be if we're able to reconnect to our passion at work? As entrepreneurs, we have got to be motivated on what's our Big Why, right? This week in particular, this challenge is made simple by the spirit guides: to make sure that you use a simple, little sticky note to try and figure that Big Why out.

That's it for this week. Go ahead, comment below, send me an email back at Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week. And I'll see you in the next one.

May you feel loved and safe at work this week. And, please: Enjoy the journey.


Just for today...

Grab yourself a small, square sticky note on which to write down your single-most greatest desire in life and business.

It may take a few tries, but whittle it down to a phrase of 6 words or less, written large and stated with feeling and confidence.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

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