Love Letters | Physical Grounding – Part 2 of 4

Are your joints stiff and achey from sitting all day at the computer?

Been so busy taking care of business that you completely forgot to eat breakfast and/or lunch?

Feeling tired all the time?

These are signs that you are physically ungrounded.

It's time to clear out that stagnant energy and get you back in flow!

Watch this week's 11-minute love letter video, which is the second of a four part series on grounding.


"I lay awake at night thinking about what I need to do next."

Last week, we discussed why we ground and what's at stake in that.

The reason why, just as a quick recap, is because we're empathic beings.

We all have a natural empathic sense, which picks up ambient, intuitive data, and sometimes, that sense can get overwhelmed, and grounding flushes that and manages the health of our empathic system.

Today, we're going to be talking about what is physical grounding?

Have you ever had this experience where, let's say you're at work, you're in the zone, and you're really typing up this really great thing, maybe email, or report, or whatever, and you're on the phone, man, you're really jamming out with whoever you're serving.

Then you're going over to do this task and then this task, and then so and so needs your help, and so you're helping them, and then you're ... Before you know it, the end of the day comes. You haven't peed. You haven't eaten. You haven't even been outside. Before you know it, I'm looking at the window over here. Beautiful, beautiful, sunny day outside.

Before you know it, the day is gone. The whole season, maybe, even is gone. This is a sign that you are physically ungrounded.

Another one.

Maybe you work at home at your computer, or maybe as a student, you're going to class all day and studying.

Do you ever have these feelings of tightness in your shoulders? Tightness in your neck and your upper back?

Tightness, I know you can feel it as I'm doing this, in your hips, right, and your pelvis, tightness in your knees. Tightness in your jaw. Tightness, do you feel tightness?

That is a sign that you are physically ungrounded.


‪Know this: Tightness and forgetting to eat (because you're "too busy") are signs of being physically ungrounded.


Be kind to yourself, if this is speaking to you. Here's the thing.

Physical grounding is managing our empathic system as it manifests physically.

Another form, another sign that you are physically ungrounded, is that your space is disorderly. Maybe there's stuff on the floor and stuff like that.

Right now, I have all these lovely resources to share with you for whichever want to come, speaks to me, but this is clutter.

Clutter is a sign of ungrounding.

I'm in my crown chakra shocker right now.

That's why I have this on the treatment table. I will ground after I do this video, of course, but if there's clutter, that's another physical sign that you're physically ungrounded.

I'm standing to speak to you to make sure that I keep regrounding, regrounding, regrounding my physical body so that I'm able to present to you.

Here's the thing. If you find that tension in your body, or if you find that you have not peed, you are not eating, like you're forgetting to take care of the body, you're not even sleeping because you're just laying awake at night thinking, "Oh, I gotta do this thing for so and so. I gotta go get Ben to go ... I gotta go get Stacy, and I gotta go get Jennifer and blah, and so and so, and ... "

You may love everybody. I do, too, hey, and there are some people that are stinky. I understand, I know some stinky winkies too, like the crusty crabs.

Laying awake at night, trying to problem solve all up in here does nothing for all this.

This week in particular, the guides are asking for you to focus on taking care of your physical health, and clearing all that mental, emotional energy from your body, by connecting to your body naturally.

Now by the way, one way that you can do that is allowing nature to call.

Anyone knows that when they come to meetings here, whether they're on a team healing journey here at the dojo, where we're doing healing journeys for entire offices, and teams, together. Which is awesome. Or if you're here for the retreats at the dojo. I'm loving how I'm phrasing things right now. Send me some love.

Whether you're here on retreats here at the dojo, and you're here for five hours, or more, everyone knows, about every hour I say, "Ready? Run and pee for your life. Let's take a pee break." This is physically grounding.

This is to honor the fact that your body has functions.

Believe it or not, not allowing your body to eliminate, whether it's poo, or pee, or the blood that comes out for ladies, or for the rest of us when we have an orgasm and releasing that energy, that can hold in empathic data.

Yes, really. Allow yourself to go to the bathroom. I know some of you are watching this and being like, "Come on Victoria, are you serious?" Yes.

For those who are highly empathic you can get so absorbed in the nonphysical aspects of being highly empathic that you forget to take care of your body.

When you're cultivating your natural intuition, your physical channel has got to be clear and grounded, grounded meaning connected to your zero, right?

Connected to neutral to nature, so that it can easily receive and release empathic data.

No my guides are telling me to pull a card. Let's see which deck? Which deck am I going to choose? I'll bring you with me.

Archangel Michael is coming through right now. We'll close this week out with Archangel Michael, another Doreen Virtue deck, one of 20, and counting.

By the way you can always, always, always, send gift of oracle cards here to the dojo. We're happy to receive that.

Okay, some of the cards are forward pointing, so we're going to put them back to normal. Whenever people come for meditation class here at the dojo, everyone plays with the oracle cards, pulls their own reading.

It's one of the lovely perks of coming to meditation class. It's Monday and Thursday night at 7 pm here in Westfield, New Jersey. If you're out of state, we could get you on Skype, but I can't really pull cards for you because you're far away, or maybe I could.

All right Archangel Michael, what do we need to know this week about physical grounding? New beginnings and a fresh start.

That's beautiful.

"Thank you for bringing new opportunities and offering support, and for help me release, and heal, my past. Fill me with trust as I experience these life changes."

Releasing and healing my past, my guides are saying, really circling that, in the energy for physical grounding.

This week in particular, it's time to poop. Go on a cleanse.

As you cleanse your intestinal system, you are actually releasing the past.

All of those emotions, tensions, experiences, worries, can get backed up in your system. It's not just poo cleanse, but I can also be a blood cleanse, a liver cleanse.

This week my guides are talking cleanse, to help you ground and clear your personal energy, specifically for maintaining your empathic system.

What kind of cleanse are you going to do? Is it going to be more fiber? Are you going to go on a juice cleanse?

Maybe you're going to take alfalfa sprout pills, or whatever works for you, comment below. Whether you're on YouTube or on, I'd love to hear it.

You can send me an email back, just respond to this email that you received to your inbox of your love letter.

By the way, if you're not getting these every week, what are you doing? Go ahead to, to make sure that you get your love letter every week, and I'll send you a free meditation for signing up, so that you could start clearing your energy right now. Okay?

Let me know how this goes and we'll see you next week for week three of four in our deep dive around grounding. See you then.

Just for Today...

Prioritize connecting to your physical body while at work.

Schedule time during the day to use the restroom, stretch and eat healthy foods, rather than only prioritizing "getting as much stuff done as you possibly can as quickly as you can."

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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