Love Letters | Professional Loneliness – Part 4 of 4

This is week four of our deep dive into conscious relationships and unpacking the different forms of loneliness that conscious entrepreneurs face on the path to rapid financial ascension.

We want to make sure we unpack that and explore it together so that you don't lose your ability to glow as you grow your self and your business. Without further ado, for week four what we're going to be covering in particular is professional loneliness.

As conscious entrepreneurs, from time to time we can continue to put the blinders on in order to be productive. We started to talk a little bit about this last week with the law of distraction. By the way, if you haven't tuned in for that, make sure you stop now, go back on my blog at and start from part one so that you are grounded in this process.

We started talking about the law of distraction, where we have these blinders on and we're missing out on the good and blessed people and things that have gathered around us. Also, we were talking about acknowledging and appreciating the platonic relationships that we already have.

But this week in particular, if you are experiencing professional loneliness, what that looks like is feeling like you are deeply alone in your business or deeply alone in your career. Maybe the purpose that you've been driven towards – your calling in life, your professional calling – is one that sets you apart from others. The people in your life, for whatever reason, personally and professionally, aren't fully in alignment with it or can't exactly see the entire vision that you've been blessed with the ability to see just yet.

If that's the case, as always, I'm sending you so much love because it can be such a challenge. It’s a challenge to feel truly grounded and clear when in the past, in order to ground, you've been retreating and pulling away from different relationships. Or maybe you had to leave your corporate position, or a job that you had previously, to really follow your dreams and create a way out of no way for yourself because you woke up. You became conscious, whereas before, you weren't so much. If that's the case, naturally, as you're leaving the comfort zone, you can end up leaving by yourself.

This is especially true for those of us who work from home, or have created our business as a virtual business. Or perhaps you have a home office and you do a lot of the billing, bookkeeping and accounts work from your home while out at your location your employees are doing their work. In this set up, you can feel a bit alone even in the management of your business. Is this sounding familiar?

If this is not for you, no problem. I'm sure you know someone who does feel this, though, because statistics show that 75% of entrepreneurs feel lonely on their journey, and get depressed, as well, on their entrepreneurial ascension path. It's a very real thing. Whether or not you're comfortable bringing this up, we've got to talk about it so that we can ground and clear your blocked energy flow, and get you back to that state of glowing as you grow.

For me, personally, I'm at my eighth year in business and I've had several different locations of the dojo. Where I am writing and filming this blog is the latest iteration of it. At first, I moved in with my mentor. It was wonderful to get to bounce my ideas off of him, and him vice-versa. We could support each other on our ascension paths professionally, every day. Then things changed and he had to manifest a new space to move his business into so that he could take care of his children and run his business in that home.

Once he did, I was with the space by myself. At first, that was so empowering. I was thinking, “oh my goodness, I'm carrying my own office space for the first time in my life!” I was coming to the office, day after day, and there's no one but me. Except for when I was seeing a client.

For those of you who have your own business as a solo entrepreneur – which I was at the time, I didn't have the team that I do now – you know most of your time is spent marketing. That is, if you have any clients. Big hugs and love to you if you're still fighting for your first one. Don't give up. But, most of your time as an entrepreneur is spent marketing. Marketing, marketing, marketing... And not necessarily being with people in your space.

After a while, it can be really quiet and lonely at times. At first, I'm an introvert. I love being by myself. So I lasted a few months. That was pretty good. And then the quiet got too quiet... where I had a harder and harder time focusing. Even though I love doing what I do, it was so difficult to look to my left and look to my right and not have anyone to work around, to work with.

With that being said, what helped me shift – and this is what my guides are suggesting for you right now – was opening up to collaborations and coworking. If you are feeling alone in your business, then maybe it’s time you started opening up to collaborations and coworking, as well as joining an entrepreneur tribe like ours. Meaning, a big group of entrepreneurs that are excited to work together so that they can glow as they grow in life and business, like you. That really started healing it for me. I would invite you to consider that for yourself.


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Know this: If you are feeling alone in your business, then maybe it’s time you started opening up to collaborations and coworking, as well as joining an entrepreneur tribe like ours. #empath #entrepreneur #depression @SenseiWhitfield

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Wherever you're at in your age and stage in business. Whether you are just at the very beginning, where it's startup and you're launching, or you're an established business, and you're looking to take it to the next level, being around others who are at that similar stage or even in all the different other stages is energizing. It's inspiring to see people launching for the first time, really going for it. It's inspiring to see others who are established and, wow, they're breaking through that glass ceiling, moving into higher levels of your realization of their potential. It's a beautiful thing to witness.

But it begins with allowing that feeling of, “you know what? I am alone. I am feeling alone in my business.” Big difference there. What matters most is how you feel. However, you may not actually be alone. Perhaps as the founder, the visionary founder of the business, you're looking to your right and your left and you may have 50 employees but you're still feeling alone because there's no other visionaries for you to resonate with.

Be kind to yourself if that's been your situation. If that's where you're at in your business's development, it's time for you to receive the nourishment of positive community. Through collaborations, coworking, and joining a tribe like ours.

That is why here at the dojo we provide the Abundant Business Circle and the Visionary Shaman Circle so that no conscious entrepreneur goes unsupported, wherever they are at in their level of development. If you're at the startup phase, just getting used to attracting and receiving clients, that's the Abundant Business Circle. We support each other in that shift with our financial healing circles. You get to see everyone's faces, and network, and connect with others who are there with you, too. Or if you're in an established business looking to ascend through your upper limits in life and business, especially by rooting deeper down into your spiritual health, that's the visionary shaman circle for you. Both are nationwide, worldwide tribes. Thanks to the internet.

It's great to have these love letters, of course. I'm here sending you lots of love in your email inbox, or in your YouTube feed. Wherever you're picking up what I'm putting down, wherever you're finding this. But it's a whole other level of emotional nourishment when you allow yourself to get into the group and join the tribe. I highly recommend you reach out to us at, hit that Contact button and let's talk about you becoming part of our community.

With that being said, I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. The Romance Angels is who we've been journeying with all month. This deck is by Doreen Virtue. Let’s pull a card for professional loneliness, being kind to ourselves, allowing that feeling, and drawing a line in the sand, saying, "I don't like how this feels. I'm aware that this doesn't feel good. I want to change it. I want an overabundance of juicy, joyful, professional relationships. And so it is."

Angels, what do we need to know right now about manifesting that? ...Oh, I had a feeling that this was going to come out before I hit record. Codependency. Addictions are affecting your romantic life. What a can of worms to open up, angels! What the heck? LOL! This is where we're going to leave off for the week. If you are experiencing professional loneliness, this is two-fold.

On one hand, your workaholism, your addiction to micromanaging and addiction to perfection, is making the world unbearably small for you. If you're feeling that exhaustion coming from professional loneliness, it's because you've become codependent with workaholism. You're addicted to it and being sucked into that vortex. If that's your situation, if you're a workaholic, you need positive community of other entrepreneurs who are demonstrating what it's like to glow *as* they grow their business rather than to burn out as they grow their business, then apply to join the tribe now.

On the other side, this also affects our romantic life. The professional achievements that we have as entrepreneurs can sometimes give us that hit of dopamine. It is so fulfilling that causes us to focus only on our work instead of the love of our lives. Be careful about that. It's another sign of being a workaholic that your love relationships and your friendships are suffering because the business is eating up all of your time and emotional energy.

Again, if this is happening in your life, then apply to join the tribe now. Collaborate and connect with others who are happily married, have wonderful friends, and are demonstrating a healthy business that is growing by leaps and bounds. Being around others who are demonstrating this lifestyle will teach you how to make that happen for yourself, and how to truly enjoy the journey.

By the way, let me know what comes up for you around this. Send me an email back at if you'd like to email me privately and directly; that'll come straight to me through my team. By the way, hit subscribe on YouTube so you get these love letters first every single week.

Hit the SHARE button, and make sure someone who has a business knows to not overwork themselves. We will see you in the next one. Thank you so much.

I appreciate you so much for tuning in to these love letters every week. Bye for now.


Just for today...

Be honest with yourself about the quality of your mental health and relationships at work; get clear on how you truly feel about your worklife and if it is Your version of healthy and abundant.

Then seek out and join an entrepreneur tribe, like our Visionary Shaman Circle and Strategic Spa Retreats, to feel surrounded by fellow spiritual entrepreneurs who fill your cup.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!

-- Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business. Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...