Love Letters | Protection Obsession

Are you sensitive to negative energy?

Can you feel other people's emotions, so much that you avoid being around certain groups and events?

Using energy candles, sprays and jewelry to protect yourself, only to find that they work temporarily and then ware off?

Being empathic and intuitive can get downright overwhelming from time to time.

It's natural to want to protect yourself when trying to connect spiritually and feel the energy because it's largely "the unknown.

Watch this week's 11-minute Love Letter video to make sure you don't fall into the trap of protection obsession!

"I'm going to make sure I never get hurt like that again."

This week, Source has asked for us to continue last week's conversation, specifically around protection obsession.

Now, if you are watching this video or if you pressed play, there's a pretty good chance that you are naturally intuitive or naturally empathic.

That means you pick up on the emotions and feelings of others without asking and without being prompted to, you just absorb them off of people, animals and places like a sponge, right?

Intuitive means that you get knowings about other's thoughts, feelings, histories, what's going on for them. You get the impulse to ask a question. You didn't even know why you asked it.

When you're naturally just underneath the big umbrella sensitive emotionally and energetically, spiritually speaking, when you're naturally sensitive because of the events of your life, you tend to be inclined to also be a little bit obsessed with protection.

You know, "We got to shut out all the negative people or we got to make sure that we don't watch the news ever. We got to make sure that we rip this person out of our lives." Right? "We can't eat food or we can't eat rice, can't eat gluten, can't eat meat, can't eat fruit, can't eat sugar, can't eat anything. We can't use any products." There's all of this ...

I'm not knocking. I'm just mirroring what might be going on in your head.

Because there's one vibration of honor, honoring what resonates best for us versus fear and protecting everything. When I'm going out, I got to wrap my face, my neck, my eyeballs and my head in addition to the rest of my body because I don't want to catch a cold. I don't want to catch anybody's cooties.

Or if I'm going out to an event, I got to make sure that I put on all the, if you're an oils person, I got to put on all the protection oils and the spray and the amulet and the ring and the bracelet and everything and I got to have the angel card in my bra and in my back pocket and in my purse next to my money to make sure that I'm protected.

Whenever I'm meditating, I'm setting up shields. I'm clearing out other people's gunk. I'm getting rid of it.

I'm making sure I have a thousand million brilliant shields up to make sure no-one can get through, so I don't ever have to get hurt again like I was once before. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, release, be kind to yourself.

If that's you and I'm sure it's a caricature of you, sending a kiss, first of all. Secondly, you may be a bit protection obsessed.

Now, what comes through with that is not only are you protecting against the negative, bad things getting in.

It's not that you shouldn't be mindful and honoring your boundaries, but when we're protection obsessed where everything around us is about protection, we not only protect against the negative but we also protect or block out, push out or hinder, resist receiving the positive.

One example of that could be in love and relationships where, "Oh, you know, I've been betrayed in the past. So-and-so cheated on me" or "So-and-so did this to me. I'm shutting down." or "I'm going to make sure I keep my heart cold. I'll keep all of my thoughts and feelings close to me because I'm never going to be hurt like that ever, ever, ever again."

That's a lot to do to yourself because you're closing, in that example, you're closing down your heart to the negative, sure.

No more crusty crabs or knuckleheads as my father would call them. I call them crusty crabs. No more knuckleheads kind of an approach.

Great, but what about someone who wants to love, wants to give, wants to be loyal to you and comes into your sphere of protection? How are they going to make it through?


Know this: Too much protection stops not only bad from coming in, but also the good. Open your heart #bk2ys @SenseiWhitfield


I'll speak about even higher vibration now because I'm starting to hear the oracle cards calling. There are some of you who are watching this video, "Okay. Yeah, I get it, Victoria, you know, I got to have shields that filter, blah, blah, blah."

You're attracting and manifesting things in the energy for yourself, but the flip side of protection obsession is that unfortunately, what it can come up as is we're trying to manifest things and it's just not making it through.

It's like, "Why in the world? You know, I've been trying to conjure more clients" or "I've been trying to conjure that love in my life" or "I'm trying to conjure and manifest and realize and create that body and shape and health that I've been wanting to get back to for so long."

Protection obsession. You may have so many walls up that the vision that source has given you, that desire, that seed of desire that you have in you, just can't make it through.

Now, I'm really hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. It's the archangel oracle Cards. I know it's a little shiny. I hope you can see that. Another Doreen Virtue deck. Let's see what the angels have to say.

Archangels, what do we need to know right now about our protection obsession? How can we release that so that we can open to receive more love and abundance?

Hmm, interesting. This is my chief guide, the number one archangel that I vibrate with, so I think it's amazing that he's coming forward. Azrael. Archangel Azrael is coming forward to say, "Counselor." Hmm. "You are a natural counselor and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance."

I'm hearing this as a two-way street. On one side, yes, this is to validate, whoever is watching, if this isn't part of your profession now or your role in the family or your role in the friends circle as of right now, it's going to be very shortly, because you give natural advice that's healing words of wisdom all the time.

On the flip side, those who are in the counselor, in the advisor role, because you hold space, you're the one who's the responsible one, the one who's the healer or the advice and wisdom giver, because of that, you're the one who is in need the most of someone to hold space for you.

Now, we're cutting through and we're talking directly to you.

If you're someone who that's really resonating with, when's the last time you had someone hold space for you, specifically around talking about, "I need to talk through protection obsession. Am I blocking love in my life? Am I blocking health in my life? I am not blocked but I know it's very possible that I might be blocking things because I'm overprotective."

You need to be able to step out of the counselor role rather than telling people what to do all the time.

Look, I, me personally, Sensei Whitfield, I answer to 5 different mentors and counselors who if I need, I work with on a regular basis directly such as "This is what's coming up for me." Okay? Trust me. I got mine handled.

For you watching, make sure that you have someone who can hold space for you so that you don't have to feel so protection obsessed. Instead, maybe this week, you may begin opening up.

Comment below. Send me an email background what's coming up for you in this regard. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letters first every week and I'll see you next time. Muah. Bye.


In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Ask someone who is a natural champion of yours to help you talk through your fears.

Declare to them how you may be blocking your own blessings.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


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