Love Letters | Stop Running – Part 2 of 4

This is week two of four in our conversation around being catalysts for change and we are diving deep in this time.

Be kind to yourself. If you followed last week's video, we brought up the power of the wound in us as we are being healers, and the brilliant wisdom that came from last week's crystal was that there is a pattern of negative thinking within you that can be sublimated into positive inspiration. If you missed that love letter, go back on my blog at, get caught up, get grounded and get journaling.

Did you do your journaling, by the way? Ding, ding, this is your accountability alarm! I know you may just be watching and reading thinking, "Oh, I love the love letters. Isn’t this nice." ...and not doing any of the work. With love, how are you going to break through without having a new behavior? How are you break through without giving something else a try? I invite you to do the work, dive in and go inward as we talked about last week.

This week in particular, we're continuing the exploration of the wound as what's bringing us out into being healers with the following phrase from my guides for you: Stop running. Stop running! No more running. Here's the thing, when it comes to being an integrated and a grounded healer and leader, there is this sense of rooted-ness, ownership, presence – one of my mentors calls it gravitas – a sense of grace that you have. Others are drawn into that beautiful graceful, loving presence that you radiate, or that wonderful, powerful, protective, visionary presence that you radiate. Because that energy is integrated, people feel safe and are drawn to you. A healing leader iso not running back and forth trying to put on a good show or avoiding responsibility or certain issues, as if that part of the business is “hot lava." Nope!

Be kind to yourself, if you are running from your wound in business. As a Business Reiki Master I have the honor of working with amazing, heart-centered, energy-sensitive and spiritual CEOs, business owners and managers and it's incredible how productive you can be when you are running from a prior wound. Be kind to yourself. If that's you, if you are running from your wound, that may look like hot-potato-ing your past and your problems onto your family, your clients and your team. It comes up as you always being worried that people are going to forget or not do things the right way, or waiting for the other shoe to drop – because we're constantly running from when the shoe dropped before, and ooh, it was a mess when it did.

Or always, always double-checking and helicoptering the team to make sure that they don't make the mistake that you are always looking for. No more running. I want you to take off your running shoes and just sit awhile, right here. Sitting with your fear is incredibly courageous. Sometimes the next level in your business and life comes from standing still. That's a writer-downer.

Be kind to yourself, if you've been motivating yourself by and basing your purpose, your vision, your why on "well, I never wanna see THAT happen again." Whoa, that's a recipe for never being fulfilled and at ease in life! From my heart to yours: I desire for you to be happy and abundant and joyful and restful in your success and enjoyment of your life. May you be fully human and enjoy the journey. And so it is.


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Know this: Sometimes the next level in your business and life comes from standing still. #breakthrough #entrepreneur #inspiration #courage @SenseiWhitfield

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We're running from a wound and this week in particular, but sometimes stopping all together and just standing still and being with the pain may be too much. If that’s the case for you, then I’d invite you to get on my calendar at because you know this is what I do! I hold healing space for spiritual yet stressed entrepreneurs like you so that you can stop running from your breakthrough. In the meantime, if you're not able time-wise or finance-wise just yet to be able to create space for the two of us to work together, however, then my guides say that instead of running from your wound, run toward it.

Run toward your wound, this week in particular. Choose to instead of running from it – just like if you've ever had one of those running chasing dreams where something's chasing you – choose to stop and turn around and look it in the face. Choose to look it in the face this week. That might mean more journaling. That might be speaking your truth. This is an inner work. I know I'm your Business Reiki Master, and we tend to look at how to create more abundance outwardly, but this is the inner game.

There's an outer game and we cover that in other videos. And this week in particular, it's about owning rather than running from and avoiding that wound that inspires you so much, it has so much power. One of my mentors, he says, "They (those wounds) must love you so much." If you look at what that wound has created, go back and tell it, "Thank you." Not condoning what happened to you, of course not, but instead what you have alchemized because of it – because you are a catalyst for change. You're a healer and it's because of that wound that you have the energy to be such an incredibly brilliant and magnificent light in this lifetime.

Hearing the crystal oracle cards calling in the energy. Crystal Oracle Guidebook, by the way, is by Tony Carmine Salerno, if you wanna go check it out and maybe purchase it on Amazon for yourself. It's so good to be together, isn't it? Together is always better. All right, guides, show us what crystal has wisdom for us around running toward our wounds or, quite frankly: no more running. They said don't shuffle any further. Oh! Australian agates. Such pretty, pretty patterns, deep luscious colors. Let's check it out. I'll read to you. It's my pleasure to read to you:

“Australian agate, it has to do with perception, strength, courage and stamina. Your power of perception along with your mental and physical body is presently being strengthened. This will give you the courage and energy required to tackle what seems at present to be a complex and somewhat insurmountable problem. This problem involves someone that is incompatible with your ideas and principles. You are being urged to stand your ground, yet keep your calm. Don't allow yourself to be psychologically or emotionally bullied. All concerned will soon realize the truth of what you have already known for quite some time, that this particular person is simply not the person who they present themselves to be.”

My guides are saying, wow, that the crystal is really pointing back to Who was involved with the wound that you're running from, even if it's just you. There's a morphed version of ourselves that we start to see over time, no? Be kind to yourself. Releasing that old self-image, releasing that negative self-talk so that you're able to step into the present and really integrate rather than be dominated by your old wound.

This is some deep stuff. I'm curious what's coming up for you? I believe that you are worthy of this level of love, by the way, so go ahead, comment below, send me an email back to let me know what's coming up for you, what came to mind. This week in particular, the guides are asking for us to really shift the way we are perceiving our wound. Instead see it as a source of power, and go back, run toward it, own it.

How will you own your wound this week? If it's speaking up, or signing up with me or another healer to help you own it, this is the time, because you're a catalyst for change. You are changing people and changing lives, whether or not you're aware of it and it's important for you as a healer and a catalyst for change to be well integrated and grounded, well supported yourself.

That's it for this week. I'm sending you big hugs. I hope you felt that hug coming through the energy. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you see these love letters first every week and I'll see you next time. Muah. Share this with who needs it!


Just for today...

Choose to stop and take a good look at what you’re so afraid of at work and why.

Create space, whether in your journal on your own or with me in a private session, to unpack the motivation behind your communication and leadership styles, to set yourself free from being motivated by fear at work.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...