Love Letters | The Empath Trap – Part 5 of 5

This is week five of five in our deep dive into shifting our perspective, and we’ve been discussing the exact mechanics of how to shift our perspective so that we can step into our divinity fully in life and business.

For week five, my guides have asked me to speak to you on a pivot topic as we prepare for our next series of love letter videos. But before I get to the topic, if this is the first of the series that you are seeing, make sure you pause, go back on my blog at and start from week one so that you are grounded in this process.

This week, my guides have shown me that we need to talk about the empath trap. Don't fall for the empath trap. And I see this is shockingly prevalent, the more I've been going live on Facebook, actually. If you haven't seen my Facebook page, where I'm dropping what I call #lovebombs for you, then youre missing out on some real activating inspiration. Go ahead to\senseivictoriawhitfield to catch some of those. They really, really add a pep to your step and wake you up if you've been kind of asleep at the wheel in life and business.

What I found is that the more that I've been going live, the more I find people from all over the world falling into the empath trap. And here's what it is: where you expect somebody else to make you feel better. Now, that's it in a nutshell, but I'd like to just clarify a little bit more of that. First of all, if you don't know what an empath is, let's start there because that's jargon, right?

An empath is someone who is an emotional sponge. It's different than empathy. With empathy, you choose to see a situation through somebody else's eyes. You use your mind, your mental acrobatics abilities to construct the idea of what it would be like to walk in somebody else's shoes. You choose to do that, and that's compassionate, that's awesome, and develops rapport.

But someone who's an empath has the ability to really feel what others are going through, emotionally and physically, and it happens against their will. So that means, if someone's coming in in a grumpy mood, all the sudden, the person in the room who's an empath will start feeling grumpy, and they were fine before. Or if somebody has a headache, the person who's an empath will start feeling like their head hurts, or another part of their body is suddenly hurting too, not because they're mentally unstable or something like that, but because the way that their body is wired is that they're a sponge. They soak in the physical and emotional feelings of others in their environments.

We see this in the animal kingdom as well, not just amongst people. Think of dogs and cats. If you have a dog or a cat, it's not that they can speak English, necessarily, but have you ever noticed that they feel sad when you feel sad? Or they can sense in their bodies if something's not quite right with you? It's amazing because animals are highly empathic. It's our birthright as beings here on earth, being empathic. It's another sense that we have, to be able to sense the emotional and physical feelings of others around us, because it's another form of communication.


Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: Being empathic is not being empathetic. One is voluntary, and the other is involuntary. Honor the difference. @SenseiWhitfield #empath #empathy #positivevibesonly

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Now, in more recent years, in the New Age, Metaphysical, spiritual-but-not-religious sort of soul-seeking communities online or the self-help or Angel Healing, energy healing and etc. groups online, there's this whole philosophy and subculture around being an empath that says, "Oh, you're special and you need special help. And we got to band together and got to protect and got to read all these books" and similar stuff like that. What I found is, when I'm going live on Facebook, I'll attract more empaths as viewers because I am one, and I understand that. But those who have fallen into the empath trap think that other people are going to solve their problem for them, or ease their symptoms, or give them the answers that they're seeking.

And when we're committed to shifting our perspective so that we can finally step into, meaning claim, the power of our divinity in life and business, we're not waiting for somebody else to come to the rescue. In the words of the fabulous Lisa Nichols, the mantra is, “I am my rescue." It's so important, as an empath, to honor the fact that you have power.

So if someone's sharing, like myself, intuitive readings or channelings or insights or talking about psychic development and so on and so forth, and you feel like, "Okay, this person has answers. Hey, you tell me blah blah blah about my parent who's passed on" or "Hey, you look at my aura and see if there's any blockages in it," then be kind to yourself: that's actually disempowering for you. That doesn't enable you to step into your divinity. Instead, that puts the onus on the other person and gives your power away.

I want you to know that you have power and that this is the week that you are going to get out of that empath trap. Because when it comes down to it, an imbalanced or dysfunctional empath feels good when others feel good or feels bad when others feel bad. That always puts you at a disadvantage. Please take your power back!

We're going to go more into this in the next series, but for now, we’re here at beautiful Washington Rock in the dead of winter to really open up and get that nature energy to help us process and reclaim our expansive power. I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. It's the Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild. The last one of the series is ... Ooh, this couldn't have been better. The Eye of Horus. Awakening divine perception.

Here's where we're going to leave off for the week: Claim your ability to take control of your life. Claim your ability to create your life by design, to tune into Source, to plug in to Spirit. You can do this. Awaken your divine perception. You have it by birthright. You don't have to get it from somebody else secondhand. It's yours. You can cut out the middleman.

If this message was for you, go ahead, send me an email back at or comment below. Let me know what's coming up for you. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week, and I'll see you next time for the next series.

May you feel loved and safe at work, and please: Enjoy the journey. Bye for now.


Just for today...

Decide to take back your power by claiming your birthright as an empowered, empathic and intuitive being, and to stop giving your power away.

Declare "I am my rescue. I claim my birthright to create my own life and to connect to Spirit myself!"

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...