Love Letters | Two Types of People – Part 2 of 4

This is week two of four in our exploration of releasing faking it.

This is your time, finally, or maybe for the first time, to release this pattern of “faking it ‘til you make it” so that you can have authentic momentum, authentic growth, and authentic success. Whether it's in your personal or professional life. If you didn't see part one, hit pause, go back on my blog at Click on part one and start from there so that you are grounded in this clearing process that we're going through over these four weeks.

The topic that my guides have asked us to cover this week in particular is the two types of people that you're going to encounter in all of life, but especially when you decide to stop faking it. There are two types of people in life. Now, be kind to yourself. We've all been either type at any given point in time in our lives, but especially when you decide to live a life where you’re going to fake it anymore, where you’re not going to be little Miss or Mr. Perfect, not going to hold back, but are going to be all in, your type shifts. Two types. You ready to write it down? Get your notepad.

The two types are: people who value Clarity, and people who value Comfort. There are two types of people in life. There are those who are valuing and seeking Clarity, and those who are valuing and seeking Comfort. In all things. Now this is super important because as you make the decision to stop faking it, you are moving from one paradigm, where you are valuing and seeking comfort in all the decisions and actions that you make, and you are stepping over into a whole other paradigm, where you are valuing and seeking clarity in all the decisions and actions that you make and take throughout your life and in your business.

Now, this is a tall order. Last week we were already talking about deciding to stop faking it, and how it's time, let's go, let's go, but now on top of that, your orientation, your alignment shifts. If you've been wondering why you're having such a hard time living authentically or stopping faking it, or stopping putting on the show, it's because this is an alignment issue. Are you aligned with comfort and seeking that? Or are you aligned with clarity and seeking that?

If you don't know where you are aligned, look at the decisions that you already have made. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, so as you look back at the decisions that you made, maybe it could be a mixed bag. I'll be honest, I have a bit of a mixed bag of decisions as I look over my shoulder, too. I'm certainly not perfect. There are some choices that are, especially when it comes to food, that sometimes I'm deciding I would like to seek comfort right now, and I'm going to pay for it by going to the gym. Or making sure that I'm shifting my eating back or, well, there's going to be digestive issues as a consequence if I'm basing my decision on comfort to eat something very fatty or full of dairy or wheat and all of that.

I'm going to have consequences of that decision. Whereas if I make the decision - continuing to put this all on me - if I make the decision to choose food that is clarifying, or that gives me clarity that when I eat it so I don't feel tired afterwards, but instead I feel energized afterwards - not because it's artificial but because it's alive, and living food brings your body alive, I know it does for me - then there's also going to be consequences to that.--

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Know this: Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, so as you look back at the decisions that you made and ask yourself “did I create Clarity or Comfort with that decision?” #mindset #entrepreneur #personalgrowth @SenseiWhitfield

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There's consequences on both sides. So, if only just for today, you've got to choose - you and I both - we have got to choose, where are we aligning ourselves? Am I or are you being the type of person who seeks and cultivates clarity and values clarity all the time, or one who seeks and cultivates and values comfort? By the way, and we're going to get a little more into this in the coming weeks, but as I hear the oracle cards - I hear you, I hear you - calling in the energy, be kind to yourself if there are people around you who really value comfort.

Yet while there are people who genuinely value comfort, sometimes you can find yourself, for whatever reason, as a conscious person and a conscious entrepreneur, in really valuing clarity, you’ll end up lording over them, expecting them to be a clarity-oriented person. This is suffering: expecting something else from people who just aren't aligned with that same value. This is going to cause you a lot of suffering, is going to drain a lot of energy from you.

This week in particular, I just want you to be a little bit more vigilant. First of yourself: checking in and asking, “am I being someone, with this decisions or this action that I'm taking, valuing comfort or clarity?” Or you could even, in my case - because this is my journey right now, around food – ask: “am I eating this because I'm seeking comfort or I'm seeking clarity? What am I creating with this decision?” For you it might be something else, such as “with this business decision” or “this investment that I'm making right now.” Ask yourself “am I going for comfort, as I'm investing right now or considering investing, is this something that's going to increase my comfort or my clarity?” It's up to you.

Okay. Let's get to the oracle cards. The oracle cards all month are “Healing With the Fairies” by Doreen Virtue. Let's ask them: “Fairies, what do we need to know right now about the two types of people that are out there? About these value alignments and such.” ... Problem resolved. Check it out, the fairy on the card, she's got a snake of wisdom right there wrapped around her, speaking in her ear. Shedding skin, one of my spirit guides just said. Shedding layers of what you used to be, the smaller you. We're shedding layers of what we used to be.

This is so powerful, and where we'll leave off for the week. This alignment issue is what's going to accelerate your progress. The more that you become aware of clarity versus comfort in the decisions that you are making. This will put you on the path to resolving the problems, the challenges that you've been facing. Choosing that clarity, if you dare, over comfort. Sending you so much love around that.

I'm your traveling partner on this journey so, send me an email back, comment below, let me know what's coming up for you around this. And if you need more support around choosing clarity and aligning with clarity and releasing that addiction to comfort, go ahead on over to, click the contact button. Hop on my calendar and let's see about getting you supported and working together.

With that, that's it for this week's episode. Thank you so much for tuning in and watching the Love Letters. It's been eight years. Eight years! Thank you so much for all of your support.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and I will see you in the next one. Bye for now. --

Just for today...

Make time to evaluate what you are valuing and creating in the decisions you make.

See the difference between choosing to create more clarity or more comfort, as you weigh your options.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!

-- Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business. Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...