Love Letters | VulnerAbility – Part 1 of 5

Welcome to a whole new series of the Love Letters, and it's a five-part series, where we will be diving deep into a discussion of vulnerability.

I call it “VulnerAbility.” VulnerAbility is about healing our relationship with vulnerability, and opening up to receiving new levels of connection, intimacy, attraction, magnetism, healing our relationship with receptivity. And this is not just receptivity to wealth, say, if that's what you are manifesting, but moreover being open to receiving new opportunities. Being receptive to receiving love, receiving visibility, and receiving support, and help.

Be kind to yourself if vulnerability is something that you are not too comfortable with. News flash: you're not alone. In this five-part series, we are going to be cultivating our togetherness around being vulnerable in a positive way. It is my intention that by the time we finish our discussion, we will have lifted the vibration around vulnerability just a little bit for you.

With that being said, this week’s topic is just introducing the idea of VulnerAbility. Webster's Dictionary defines vulnerability as “being open to attack or wound.” This an incredibly negative way to see being vulnerable. For those of us who are high achieving entrepreneurs, or those of us who are the strong one in the family, holding down everybody else when they're having vulnerable moments, the last thing that we want is to ever feel open to attack or wound.

The last thing that you want is to feel vulnerable when you're the space holder. You're the one who's leading, nurturing, protecting, guarding, and so on. To all of my empath lightworkers, healers, coaches, and consultants who are watching this right now, if that's you, and to all of my caregivers, my awesome moms, my do-it-all dads who are watching, and supporting, and providing, to my peeps who are the awesome ride-or-die best friend, to you as well, please know that this is to send love and strength to you. Please know, if only just for now, that if you are feeling vulnerable, that there is nothing wrong with you.

I'm going to repeat that. Please know, if only just for now, that if you are feeling vulnerable, open and exposed, there is nothing wrong with you. --

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Know this: If only just for now, if you are feeling vulnerable, open and exposed, know that there is nothing wrong with you. #empath #entrepreneur #healing @SenseiWhitfield

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With love, I want us to begin to re-write our own definition of vulnerability. Meaning the ability to be positively vulnerable, being open and exposing our hearts, our emotions, our authentic feelings, and being open to exposing the stuff that sucks, and is awful, and horrible, that enrages you. That is VulnerAbility, being able to open, being able to be courageous. Meaning coeur, the heart. Have an open heart. Let's just begin engaging and being willing to be vulnerable. VulnerAble.

I'm hearing the Oracle cards calling in the energy right now. The deck that we are going to be journeying with all month, all five weeks, is Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards deck, by Doreen Virtue. It's the very first Oracle cards deck that she ever made. Angels, what do we need to know right now about dipping our toe in to vulnerability as a strength, and as something beautiful, and empowering, and connecting? What do we need to know right now? ...Yep, I'm going to read it. Yes, I will. This is so awesome. Trust. Trust. I mean, get your tissues out. My guides are saying, "Get your tissues ready."

Card meaning: "Believe in yourself and have faith that God and the Angels are with you. Ask them to help you to lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith. Your Angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even God. However, the Angels remind you of the importance of holding on to your faith. By drawing this card, the Angels emphasize the value of self-trust. They know that you, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent God within you, and God is infallible. The Angels ask you to trust in God, and to trust in them. They will help you trust yourself."

For those of you who are listening, who are not into the whole God thing, it's to trust in Life. Not just some higher power, but to trust that nature and life continues on, that growth continues on. I'm sitting in our sunroom here, watching at the beginning of spring, as the plants are beginning to reinvent themselves. They trust that nature will continue to reinvent and move forward. That same forward movement, that same potential for growth, and constant evolution is something that is my own birthright as well.

I invite you to feel the same. To trust in that as well. As we're engaging vulnerability, when we open up again, when we begin to dip our toe into opening up again, that means we've done it after Wham! we've shut closed like a clam shell. We're going to talk about that next week.

For now, go ahead and comment below, or send me an email back at about what's coming up for you around this? Is this topic right on time? Are you scared? That's all right. I'll be scared with you, and let's walk hand in hand into this mysterious forest of vulnerability. Because being open is always better together.

I am sending you so much love. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube. Tag your friend below and be like, "Yo! Subscribe on YouTube because this one's for you” so that you get these Love Letters first every week, and I'll see you in the next one.

May you feel loved and safe, at work especially, because that's half your waking life. And please: enjoy the journey.

See you soon!


Just for today...

Choose to be willing to be vulnerable and open in a positive way.

Redefine vulnerability on your own terms using empowering, beautiful and positive words to describe it.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!

-- Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business. Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...