Love Letters | A Beautiful No – Part 3 of 4

This is week three of four of our deep dive into being catalysts for change. You are a catalyst for change. You are a healer.

We've been doing some really profound work on clearing the gunk on the inside that may be creating that resistance in you to speaking up for yourself, to changing the course of events around you, to arranging your life and purpose around being a healing presence. I know this is a deep work. For those of you where this is your first video, make sure that you pause and go back on my blog at and start from part one so that you can begin this wonderful healing and uncovering process journey that we've been on over the last couple weeks.

This week in particular, the guides have asked us to talk about A Beautiful No. A Beautiful No is not one that’s screaming, "No, I'm not doing it!" or breaking down to the point where desperately you say, "I give up! No. Okay!? No. I can't...” What is that desperate pattern? From my heart to yours, as empaths, we have to get pushed to a certain breaking point in order to say “No” finally. And that needs to stop.

Also, there's the aspect of saying No from a feminine energy versus saying No from a masculine energy. Now, be kind to yourself. Neither is superior. I believe in supporting magnificent women as well as magnificent men. I believe in the power of the feminine and the power of the masculine. The two come together and are Creation, and we appreciate both.

At the same time, we have a lot more practice as empaths, energy-sensitive and heart-centered entrepreneurs with more of a masculine No, which is cutting to the point of saying No. That's been more exemplified perhaps in our early life experiences as children, or perhaps out in our greater society, our role models were predominantly coming from a No as being harsh, or No can even be perceived as mean. There's the warrior behind No. In the masculine, the warrior is gorgeous. The warrior is absolutely gorgeous. We need powerful warrior protectors who are rooted and generative in their energy. Absolutely, absolutely. The warrior is gorgeous.

However, there are more No’s out there than the No at the edge of an emotional sword or an immature, imbalanced masculine No that is mean, cutting, rude, at-the-end-of-its-rope and harsh or lashing out. That's not the type of masculine that we advocate for. Absolutely not. When we're in our graceful masculine, whether you are male or female, when we're in our graceful masculine, the No is rooted. When we're in our graceful feminine, rather than an immature, or imbalanced feminine saying, "Well, no. I can’t because [insert long story here]," being intentionally whine-y, or manipulative, or hot-potatoing of emotion on to other people to coerce them into different things; coming from an immature feminine is not the type of No that we're talking about.

When we have No coming from the graceful feminine, the No is pleasurable. It is in fact just as pleasurable, if not moreso than, the Yes. The No becomes radiant and inspiring. The No is an openhearted expression when we are in our graceful feminine. When we are in our graceful masculine, the No is rooted, calming, and it serves, it generates the energy of Certainty that that No roots in.


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Know this: Whether you are male or female, when you’re in your graceful masculine, saying “no” is clearing and grounding, and when you’re in your graceful feminine, saying “no” is inspiration and a pleasure for all involved.  #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #communication @SenseiWhitfield

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So, how many beautiful No’s have you witnessed? Or in fact, how many beautiful No’s as a response have you seen? Repeat after me, “No.” Go ahead, say it beautifully out loud right now: “No.” Or even better, let's sink more into that graceful feminine and/or graceful masculine for a moment... Now try it again aloud: “No.” Again: “No.” How many of those beautiful No’s did you say to yourself just now? Go ahead, send me an email back at How many No’s did you say out loud just now, and how did that feel? How many beautiful No’s have you ever witnessed? Have you seen it happen? What would be an example of the most beautiful No that you have ever witnessed, one that was full of grace, and power, and was inspiring, or when it was said, it felt honored and respectful, or edifying to hear such a No?

When you are embracing being a catalyst for change, it can be a beautiful process. It doesn't have to be messy. This one's for those of you who've been doing the series and thinking, "Oh my gosh. If I have to be a catalyst for change, I'm going to turn everything upside down. It’ll be a disaster. I'm going to embarrass myself or I'm going to out a whole bunch of people and cause trouble." That's not necessarily the only way to be a wonderful catalyst for change. In fact, when you’re cultivating your relationship with A Beautiful No, and coming from that grounded, deep, and centered space, you can still be a profound catalyst for change without having to claw at people and cause some trouble or start a fight along the way.

Speaking of being grounded and centered, let's get to our crystals for this week. All right? So, we are exploring the Beautiful No and I'm curious: Crystals, angels, spirit guides, what do we need to know right now about A Beautiful No? ...Yay! Tiger's eye. Look at how pretty it is. You can barely see the color of it on camera. Oh, my goodness! Let's read: “Tiger's eye represents calm, clarity, balanced emotions.” Can't make this stuff up. I'm reading. I'm literally just reading what it says:

“Communication and intuition. If you have been plagued with negative thoughts lately, then tiger's eye crystal will help you rid yourself of unwanted thoughts and help you regain a positive and more inspiring attitude. You will soon begin to see things clearly and realize that there was really nothing to fear in the first place. Calm your thoughts and start to listen to your intuition. Know that all is well, and that only love surrounds you. This card also has to do with communication. You may avoid unnecessary turmoil and problems by communicating clearly with others. Don't be afraid to express your views honestly, and make sure there's no misunderstanding. You will gain respect and admiration for doing so.”

Gosh! I just so happened to have a tiger's eye here at the office. I pulled these stone completely at random – but there’s no such thing as coincidence; Spirit is surely guiding the way. By the way, thank you, Christoph for your gift of the tiger's eye stones I have here. This stone is a feldspar: it means flashes of insight. That's what feldspar is, that where the light travels, like in flashes across the stone.

This is all about mindset and having powerful communication. When you are really embracing A Beautiful No, you exemplify what it means to be a healing presence as a catalyst for change. It doesn't have to be painful, and it doesn't have to be crazy or messy. Instead, it’s about being clear that “No” is a full sentence.

Go ahead. Schedule a chat with me at and tell me what comes up for you. Do you need help in connecting with your Beautiful No? Go ahead. Tell me. Type it in the comments below or subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week. I'm excited to see what you say and how you're Beautiful No comes to pass. I'm sending you big hugs, and muah, lots of love. I'll see you next week for our last video!


Just for today...

Practice saying “no” in a beautiful way, with authenticity and out loud.

There’s power in your words, and in hearing yourself speak, so drop into your heart and straighten up your spine as you open up to say “no” with grace and clarity.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...