Love Letters | Beginning Deep Financial Healing – Part 1 of 4

Money stressing you out these days?

Find yourself obsessing about getting more of it, since there’s never enough?

Want the next era of your life to be a time of increasing financial health and abundance?

Money is a touchy subject.

Entrepreneurs, and especially holistic healers, get massively triggered by the topic of money, value and receiving support.

Watch this week’s 14-minute Love Letter, the first in our 4-week series, to discover why your financial healing matters now more than ever.

"I would not talk about money."

This month, I'm so excited to talk to you about something that spirit has put on my heart very intensely, very intensely. It's been coming up with my clients and students, here at the dojo, right?

It's been a commons source of conversation and focus in workshops and retreats that I've done over the last, we're going on 6 years in business.

It's amazing to say that out loud, by the way. This is a very sensitive topic, some of the most intense healing that I've done myself, as well as held space for others here at the dojo, and in her other incarnations, whether online or in former locations, or over the phone, etc.

This topic is heavy duty stuff. We are going to do a four week deep dive into, drum roll please, financial healing, financial healing.

At the filming of this love letter, it is currently the beginning of December. In the US, most of the US, we regard this as the beginning of the end of the year, and we're ramping up to a new year, right?

We're getting ready for ... I'm here in New Jersey, so we watch the ball drop in New York City, and the fireworks, and so on and so forth. It's our arbitrary, let's get in alignment time. Tie up all your loose ends because we're going into a brand new epoch, a brand new year.

Regardless of the time that you're actually watching this love letter, I want you to invoke that same sense of ... I am now 4 weeks away from an entirely new era in my life, right? I am only 4 weeks away, right now, from entering an entirely new era in my life.

You get the chills? I'm getting them.

This is powerful. I desire for you to enter, the next era of your life is a financial healing, and being a financial healer. Not just for yourself, of course for yourself first, but for your family, your community, your team, your state, your country, right?

Your hemisphere, your world. This is really powerful. If we heal our relationship with our finances, what we're really doing is healing the sense of safety on Earth.

Now, I know that was like a big statement. Dial it back, in our four week deep dives, if you've been following them now, you understand that our first week, right? Week one, is all about why?

You know I'm a Simonite, I love Simon Sinek. We start with why. If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, or why we're talking about what we're talking, or why we're doing financial healing, you're not going to have the juice necessary to carry it through.

Be kind to yourself, if you're someone who ... Money and finances is a very touchy subject, right? And you'd rather be listening to more spiritually stuff, or something other than money, don't talk to me about money, because you have strong triggers around that.

This is actually for you, especially, for you especially. Because, if you have funky reactions around financial energy, that means that funkiness or that disgust, or frustration, or anger, or triggeredness, that means it's time for some healing work, right?

Your discomfort is a growth edge. That's a writer downer, or a Tweetable. To my team who's watching this, put that in for the Tweetable of the week. Your discomfort Is a growth edge.

Let's talk about why it's so important for us to walk into the discomfort around finances, so that we can create financial healing.

First in our own lives, and then for our community and world at large. That's our intention.


Know this: Your discomfort is a growth edge. #entrepreneur #healing @SenseiWhitfield


The reason was, when it comes to finances and abundance, it's not about the money. It's not about the money. What's underneath financial healing, is healing safety.

Healing our relationship with feeling safe and trusting that we are going to be safe moving forward, think about it. Think about it.

Think about someone in particular, maybe it's not you, right? We love to take examples from outside of ourselves, because it's easier, yes. With love, mwah, if that's you. Sending you big hearts.

Think of someone who you know, who has maybe a money addiction, or has a hard time keeping money, or can't seem to increase their sales, or make and sales in the first place.

I cannot tell you how many healers I have met over my few years in business. I can't say I have all the answers and I've met everybody on the planet, but I have been on a national tour, and I have been on a world tour, and I have treated hundreds of people, who most of which are healers.

If you're watching this, chances are you're a healer or you're an entrepreneur, because we resonate, yes, yes.

Healers in particular, when it comes to financial energy, maybe it's not you, right? We're thinking of another healer who...

They don't wanna do sales, they don't wanna look at the finances, it's gross, it's creepy, it's scary, it's hard, it's hard work.

No, I wanna communicate with the guides and fly with the platypus in mid air while I'm meditating, all the good things, yes, yes. It's gorgeous, right? I wanna feel the energy, and the white light, and the Reiki ... I'm saying this as a Reiki Master and all of that. I say this with big love, but I'm calling you out.

Healers need the most healing around financial energy, and the relationship with finances, because we need you feeling safe and strong so that you can get out there and heal more people, because our world needs you. If you don't know whether or not you're a healer, yet.

If you don't know if you're a healer just yet, chances are you serve others, right? You support people in your community, you support your team at work, you support your family, we need you to feel safe and grounded, confident in your relationship with wealth and abundance, so that you can continue to serve and uplift the community with all of that love and brilliance that you bring, I know you do, I know you do. This one is for you, this is your month.

Why are we going in for a financial healing, four week deep dive into it? Because you've got work to do, and it's not just about the money, this is not, we're not gonna be talking, I'm not an accountant, I'm not an accountant, right?

We may talk about ways for you to receive for money, and we also may talk about ways for you to give more money, as well as save more money, and to honor your finances, and to really clear out your energy. Sure, but what we're really looking at, is your relationship to safety.

Now, I'm hearing the Oracle cards calling in the energy, and we're gonna be with this deck all month. Angels of Abundance, by the way, came from my financial healer, Julie Shopa at Thank you for this gift, mwah, one of the over 20 decks now and counting at the dojo to play with.

Most of which are donations, just like coming from Julie, so thank you for your love my dear friend, all your support of me and our tribe.

Let's see here, come on out. Okay. Angels of Abundance, Angels of Abundance, what do we need to know right now about beginning a four week deep dive? This is very intense energy, four week deep dive into financial healing. All right now, this is interesting.

Now, regardless of whether your New Years starts in January, or February, or September, right? Regardless of what you're looking at, as far as religious beliefs, or beliefs about the calendar and dating. Not like relationship dating, but as in dates on the calendar.

It's interesting, but this guy's coming up, Santa Claus here. In America, we're a predominantly Christina country, although it is different from time to time, so different Muslim beliefs, Jewish, etc. But, it's interesting that we're got winter scenes, and animals, and presents and things.

The angels are seeing exactly where we are at in time and space and honoring that.

Windfall of abundance.

An increase in abundance is arriving in many different forms, some of them unexpected. Be open to receiving, and know that this abundance comes to you to support your life purpose, health, and charitable work. Check this out.

What we're going to be looking at, is being open to receiving, right? In the next four weeks. For support of your life purpose, health, and charitable work. There's your why. Why you need financial healing, right?

We need to turn up the volume on your life purpose, turn up the volume on your level of help, and health ... I love that, I said help instead of health, so good. And turn up the volume on your charitable work, right? This makes it a lot more specific, but I think it's hilarious that it's Santa Clause, what in the world?

So good. Is this resonating for you? Send me an email back, comment below, by the way text me, who do you think just walked in the door back there?

I'm curious to see, we're about to have a group meeting here at the dojo, we're a community here. Take a guess, I'd be curious to hear who you think just popped in back there, if you caught that Easter egg. But, send me an email back, is this resonating for you?

What in your life do you feel, and your financial, is ready for healing? Is this timely? Tell me, tell me.

Make sure you subscribe on Youtube, so that you get these love letters first every week, and get ready for it, mwah. I'll see you next week, let's do this. Bye.

Just for Today...

Decide to be a Financial Healer, starting with yourself.

Throughout the day, act as if a new era of increasing financial health has begun for yourself and your community.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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