Love Letters | Beginning Deep Financial Healing – Part 2 of 4

Ashamed of your family’s “money drama”?

Avoiding opening the mail, because you’re too scared to look at your account statement?

Do money or sales conversations give you anxiety and make you feel insecure?

Deep healing starts with awareness and transparency.

This is not for the faint of heart, but you’re worth it!

Watch this week’s 12-minute Love Letter, the second of our 4-part series, to find out exactly where to begin on the path to deep financial healing.

"I have so much fear around investments."

This is week two of four of our deep dive into financial healing. It's about time we talked about financial healing.

By the way, go ahead and type in the comments below, type that in.

Go ahead and type in the comments below, what does financial healing look like for you, because that's what we're really going to be talking about this week in particular.

How we're going to do it, however, is let's take a little bit of a journey to the shadow, to your shadow side. This is where we hold shame and fear, the dark side.

Whenever we're going through a healing process, we want to bring our healing gaze as in the healing awareness, healers for those of you who are listening, holistic healers, therapists, etc. You understand how this works.

You bring the healing gaze, holistic healing, loving, presence and awareness to the dark side and we wait for health to emerge because it always does naturally. Wherever your awareness goes, energy flows. Wherever your gaze goes is where healing goes.

So be kind to yourself if when it comes to money, whether it's receiving, saving, or sharing, all of that, the life cycle of money or even thinking about your finances in general, if that gives you anxiety, we talked about that last week of why we really need you financially healthy now.

I'm here to provide spiritual support for entrepreneurs. That's what I do. That's what we do here at the institute and at the dojo as an extension of her. So it's important for you to give yourself the space for this spiritual healing, yes, around your finances. We covered that last week. If you missed it, go ahead and rewatch that video and then come back to this one.

This week we want to honor what shame and fear you have in your shadow around financial healing. When I say that, what comes up for you? Perhaps there are certain people that have influenced the way that you feel about financial energy, such as your parents or guardians, mentors or different celebrities or figures that you attribute authority to.

Now, as we discussed last week, what's really underneath this is your sense of safety. That's why we're talking about financial healing. So those who work to provide safety really imprinted on your blueprint for financial health. Did you catch that?

The people who you depended on for feeling safe in life, they affect, they imprinted on your blueprint for financial health so this week in particular your goal is to bring your eyes back to your blueprint for financial health and look at it.


Know this: The people who you depended on to feel safe left an imprint on your blueprint for financial health.


I'm not saying, "Go in and tear it apart. You got to get an accountant. You got to get the bookkeeper. You got to do an audit. You got to give a million dollars to these charities." No, no, no.

Healing starts with awareness, so I want you right now, right now, as you and I are holding this space together, pause for a moment and name your greatest fear. Name your greatest shame around financial healing, your relationship with your finances. Where do you carry ...

I want you to name it. You can say it out loud, or if you want to write it down to anchor it or think it in your mind, get super clear.

Where is your greatest fear and your greatest shame in relationship to finances in your life?

Is there a story that you tell yourself as a man for example that, "I'm the provider and it's a shame that I can't provide for my family at the level that I'm expected to," or as a woman, "I have so much fear around investments and making sure that everything is saved up and everything is paid. I have so much fear of knowing all of the numbers, being all the detailedness," or vice versa. What comes up for you around that?

"I have so much shame that I've made this much money and these other members of my family or social circles are at this level of money, so I hide myself from people," or "I have so much fear," healers, "Of sharing what I do that people are going to judge me. 'How dare you charge for doing what you love,' so afraid of what people are going to think of me," or, "I have so much fear of giving to charities because I got burned in the past or I've heard about this example of them completely misusing funds, so I'm just not going to give to anybody because what's the use anyway?" What's your greatest fear and what's your greatest shame?

Our big why, our life purpose, so that usually comes from our pain, and fear and shame are big pain points for us. So what's powerful about healing and bringing your awareness to what's your biggest fear and what's your biggest shame around your relationship with finances in life is that in can actually fuel you.

Once you know, once you set eyes on it, this can actually become a huge part of your passion and purpose as you heal first, then you're going to be able to inspire and enable others to heal the shame, but you first. You first.

So get clear. That's your assignment for this week.

I'm hearing the Oracle cards coming forward in the energy. This month we are journeying with the Angels of Abundance.

Check them out. One of the over 20 decks that have been donated here at the dojo, and I'm open to receive. If you have a deck that you'd like to share with the tribe here at the dojo, send me an email back or comment below. I'd be happy to receive that. Angels, what do we need to know about really owning our shadow side? Whoa. Did you see that? Hey. Okay.

"Pay yourself first. Make yourself your most important financial obligation."

Who's afraid of that? As I read that, someone feels ashamed to make themselves their most important financial obligation, like, "I should be ashamed of myself paying myself first. No, I got to pay all my employees first." "What? Pay me first? No, no, no, no. I got to do all the other things."

You can run down the list. I'm not going to. We don't have enough time for that. Ain't nobody got time for that. Mwah. You matter. I didn't even finish reading the card.

"Make yourself your most important financial obligation by setting aside a portion of your income every time you are paid."

By the way, throw it in there, Profit First, fabulous book. That's having those accounts. Make sure that you are paying yourself first.

That's a book, by the way, Mike Michalowicz wrote, Profit First. Great book. He's a great guy too. Met him. He's awesome, and what he's doing in the world is amazing.

"This loving form of self-care ensures that you'll have savings to invest in your present and your future." So this Oracle card, the Angels are bringing forward this Oracle card in particular to lift shame away from valuing yourself first. First, first, first, first, first. Fear of doing that first.

"Well, what about the taxes and the accounting and blah, blah, blah?" "What if I don't have enough? What if I don't have enough?" That doesn't sound like a very abundant mindset. We will talk about that in the upcoming weeks this month, but pay yourself first. What fear and shame comes up around that?

I just want you to be with the dark side by the way this week in particular. Don't try to fix it. Just acknowledge it. This is our acknowledgement week.

We're going to continue through your financial healing process. I'm sending you so much love. Make sure you comment below. Send me an email back what came up for you.

Subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week and get ready for it. Mwah. See you next time. Bye.

Just for Today...

Honor what shame and fear you have in your shadow around money.

Make it a point to name your fears and spell out what you are resisting.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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