Love Letters | Faith in Your Business – Part 3 of 4

It’s week three of four in our exploration of restoring lost faith. This week in particular, my guides are asking for us to talk about what to do when we lose faith in our business and in our career.


What happens when you start losing faith that you are on the right track, that you really are supposed to be doing this as a business, or that you've chosen the right major in college? If this is the first video that you are seeing in this series, hit pause, go back on my blog at and start from Part One, so that you are grounded in the healing process.

What happens when the economy really starts to show trouble, and challenges us around moving forward with ease, speed, and grace? What happens when in the business or at your company there is strife amongst coworkers, amongst the tech team and management, amongst the sales department and customer service? What do we do when we start losing faith in our business and in our career? What happens, in fact, when we get fearful or insecure that the income, the money, is going to be there?   And that the client flow into the business is going to be steady? What do we do?

Be kind to yourself if this is you, if this has been coming up for you recently. Please know that this series is to support you. We are sending healing energy to you and your team, your community, your coworkers, your family in these uncertain times. If this is not for you, please listen to your heart. If there is someone in particular, or if you need to share this with a group that you belong to on LinkedIn or on Facebook or on a message board where this could be a really healing message, please make sure you hit that share button and let other people know that they are loved and that they are not alone in business.

What we're talking about is losing faith in your business, what this can feel like, and how this shows up is deep, constant worry with anything associated with money. In fact, a fear, a persistent fear of spending money or even making money. There's this upper limit issue that starts coming through where we doubt that, that financial flow is going to be steady or even if that financial flow is steady, there's the doubt that it's going to be a healthy and pleasurable process.

We bring this doubt into our minds and into our bodies, because like we discussed last week, it's a form of self-motivation and self-protection. This is the imbalanced way that we learned how to move things forward. Perhaps your bosses early on or your role models early on taught you that you gotta work hard, trust no one, make sure that you're prepared for the worst scenario always. Or maybe you learned to assume that nobody's doing anything, and assume that there's always something to fix, so you better be on the lookout. We’ve been taught to perpetuate a persistent, negative, pessimistic, fearful mindset that is especially prevalent in business, in professional settings, and around money.

If only just for now -- or as we say in Reiki: if only just for today -- we as a tribe are saying No More to fueling and perpetuating this negative “professional” mindset.

Repeat after me:

No more.

No more.

One more time, so that they really hear it:


Deep breath in... and exhale.

That’s right! Today is the day that we are officially releasing the paranoid professional mindset. That's a writer-downer. That'll be the Tweetable of the week. Thanks team, by the way for all your support.


Click to share the Tweet of the Week:

Know this: Today is the day that you are officially releasing the Paranoid Professional mindset. Let it go and set yourself free! #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #positive @SenseiWhitfield

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We are releasing the paranoid professional mindset, because it's unhealthy, and it fosters a constant drain of faith. If you watched our last video, we talked about the oil lamp, making sure that we are refilling the oil lamp. Remember? Well, what do we do when we are being drained like this? What do you do when this is what your experience is: a loss of faith, specifically in relationship to having faith in your income, faith in your business, faith in your team, your professional career?

This week, in particular, my guides have offered the idea of Opening. The intuitive art of Being Open and Activating Opening. Now, when I'm talking about Opening, I'm not saying, open a new business. No, no, no. But, instead a renewed opening of your heart, opening of your mind. When we are in business, when we are in a professional setting, oftentimes to artificially manufacture stability and certainty in times of high instability and high uncertainty, we will close down, we’ll put our “nose to the grindstone” so-to-speak, and really hem in our awareness, saying to ourselves, “we're not gonna focus on anything else, nothing new. Tried and true only.”

Sometimes that can work: focusing on nothing new, tried and true only. However, when we get to a certain point of doing nothing new, tried and true only, that is exhausting, draining, and stagnating.   Stagnation is not good. In fact, money hates stagnation. Business, commerce is a flow. It is an energetic current. Money likes to move, to be transferred, sent, and received abundantly. It's like water. It is not good to be stagnant, in the professional setting.

So, how do we move from being stuck in stagnancy? The answer this week in particular, is Opening the heart and Opening the mind. And how do we do that? When we're opening the mind, that involves strategy, visualization, exposure to things that are bigger or different, diverse, divergent, being open to multiple voices. Being open to hearing multiple sides of the story. Being open to receiving leadership, not just from the top, but from the entire chain of the company. Being open to receiving feedback from our TA’s in college, from our mentors, from our personal assistants, from our executive assistants, from our customers. Open to feedback from our family, our dearest friends, and coworkers. Being Open to receive more.

By the way, that also means opening your heart for the sake of positive vulnerability. Be kind to yourself if that is something that intimidates you. No, it ain't for the faint of heart, but is is worth it? The answer is YES, categorically, yes. When you are open hearted, you show up as really ready to hear the honest truth, asking “How do you do this?” “I don't know how to do this. Will you teach me?” “My mind is open. My heart is open.” Say it aloud. It is so grounding and so loving to receive in this way, especially in business.

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. We've been journeying this month with Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue, her very first oracle card set she ever made. Okay. Angels, what do we need to know right now about restoring faith when we've lost faith in our income, lost faith in our business, restoring professional faith, and being open? Hey, alright! New Beginnings. Isn’t this perfect? New Beginnings. This is so perfect. I will read to you, that it's time for something new. Let's release the stagnation. Let's release the stagnation by being open:

"A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences. Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The Angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings. Sometimes we cling to old routines, because they are familiar." We were just talking about that whole tried and true, nothing new thing. Wow. "Drawing this card, the Angels ask you to be open ...." You can't make this stuff up. Open. Seriously!? Okay, let me keep reading. "... to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or, maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences." Come on now. This is so card is so perfect. Wow!

So this is where we'll leave off this week: it’s time for your positive vulnerability is to be stretched professionally. Open up. Allow the newness in. Be open to being inspired by something new. 

What comes up for you hearing all that? Comment below or send me an email back at I wanna hear what are you going to explore or research or listen to or be open to receive in your business. What are you going to open to, maybe for the first time. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week. And I will see you in the next one. Muah!


Just for today...

Open up to receive honest, truth-telling and soul-nourishing feedback in your business.

Tell yourself “I am opening my heart and mind in a new way so that I can live and do better in business” to help you let go of expecting the worst to happen.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

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