Love Letters | Receiving Support – Financial Healing Part 4 of 4

Feeling like you're carrying the world on your shoulders?

Burning out because the more money you make, the more stress you pile on yourself?

Can't seem to figure out how to fix the financial mess you're in, no matter how hard you try?

It's not uncommon for entrepreneurs to get caught up putting out fires day in and day out, because they've only had themselves to depend on to get things done.

But there comes a point in everyone's Healing Journey where it's time to let go of the reins and finally receive support.


Watch this week’s 11-minute Love Letter, the final installment in our 4-week series, to commit to your next level of health by receiving support.


"I've been putting off meeting with a financial advisor."

It's week four. Yay. We did it. We did it. This is week four of four in our four week deep dive on financial healing. So we're rounding off our four week walk through this topic, and honestly I feel like we've only scratched the surface. But this week's topic deals with that. Now if you haven't seen the previous weeks, go ahead, re-watch those videos. 

We covered why you need financial healing now, because you've got big work to do. We covered how to really start it on a deep level by going into your shadow.

And then last week we talked about having an abundant mindset, having that abundance mindset so that you can start giving from a space of joy, not just of money, but having an expanded view of what abundance really means.

And this week we are covering, fourth and final topic, receiving support. Receive support. If it's time for your financial healing, and you've been doing the work for the last three weeks, we're moving into a brand new era in your life where financial healing is financial health for you.

The same way that a brain surgeon, if he needs brain surgery, doesn't do it himself. He goes and gets booked for his surgery to have someone else open up his cranium and rummage around and do the things and put it back together safely so that he can heal.

Being able to receive support is essential for deep financial healing. Now every goddess has her own flavor, so your version of receiving support may look different than other people's, but I'm just going to rattle off a few and let's see, which ones resonate with you.

Could it be meeting with a financial planner? Could it be having a financial healing accountability partner, someone who keeps you accountable to your financial goals? Or perhaps it's having a CPS, or an accountant support you on another level, or it could even be a lawyer, someone who could go and do deep forensic accounting and give you advice. Could it be an investment advisor?

But at this juncture of your financial healing journey that you've been on, you are at the point where it's time to bring on a second set of hand, or several other sets of hands, to help you really create a new normal in your financial life.

If you want different results, you've got to do things differently, and figuring out your situation by yourself with love is not going to do it. That's what got you as far as you came before. But where you're going is into a communal healing experience.

This week in particular, it's time to reach out for financial healing support. There's those people, those different venues that might support you for financial healing, maybe a book keeper, or reevaluating your financial team, making sure that you are well supported by people that you feel safe around and supported by.

Knowing what matters most to you and knowing that you can feel openly is essential for receiving the right level of support on your financial healing journey. If you are in a situation financially where, for example, your income has been taking very shocking leaps, very shocking leaps, up, up, up, and you have this feeling like you don't trust the people that are supporting you or the people that are around you with that money.

Or maybe someone passed away and you came into an inheritance and it's causing money drama in the family. It's important to make sure that you get the support that you need and feeling openly.

Let me explain. When you are able to feel openly, and that means you are authentic in your expression and with your emotions. You're not holding back and there's no shame in how you feel. So if you honestly don't feel supported, you have a space and a place for voicing that. Or if you are honestly feeling afraid and vulnerable, you have a space and a place for feeling that, whether you are female, or male, masculine, or feminine. It doesn't matter.

We all have emotions around our financial healing journey. And maybe it's not the too much money experience. It might be there's not enough. But it's important that you have a space and a place where you can feel openly and be supported on the financial healing journey. It's not an event. It's a journey.

That is a tweetable. Go ahead. That's the tweet of the week. 


Know this: You are on a financial healing journey. Be kind to yourself. It's not an event, it's a journey.


You are on a financial healing journey. It's not an event. It's a journey. So team, go ahead and check that out. Put that in for the tweet of the week.

So be kind to yourself if you are feeling frustrated. I don't have it all together yet. You don't have to. Now here's where the rubber meets the road. Ding. Ding. That's where I come in.

Here at the Institute for Natural Intuition and at the dojo, we have programs for giving you the spiritual support you need on your financial healing journey, whether it's keeping your energy clear, or learning how to shift your mindset to be more abundant. And also learning other techniques for manifesting more money.

That's what we do here. That's our specialty here at the dojo. So this week is about receiving support, so I would invite you to go ahead and reach out.

You can always email us at if you have particular questions of your own. We have the abundant business circle. It's the first Wednesday at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, whether you're coming remotely or in person. That's one way for you to receive support in a group environment here at the institute.

Of if you are more in need of private support, you can go ahead and set up your private sessions by booking them online. Again, check out for more information.

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling for this week about receiving support on your financial healing journey. It would be my honor to get to support you. We have fantastic resources and a big network here that can support you on your journey. Angels, what do we need to know? Angels of abundance.

Don't forget. We've been with this deck all month. Shouldn't be a surprise. Ooh. Unlimited ideas. Can you see that? Can you see that? Unlimited ideas.

Your mind is one with God's infinite mind, therefore you have complete access to unlimited ideas guaranteed to bring blessings. All you need to do is take divinely guided action to allow these ideas to come to fruition.

Here's where we're going to leave off for this week and land the plane for the month, our month of financial healing. Taking action is what creates results, and it's no small feat. So what you want to focus on this week in particular is receiving support around taking inspired actions to continue on your path to financial healing.

So whether it's the tactical support from your financial planner, or your CPA, your profit first coach, whoever you're going to see. Or if it's the emotional and spiritual support that you need that keeps you accountable and flowing and able to take action, coming here at the dojo for our programs and services.

So go ahead and comment below. Yes. Comment below this video.

Let me know what comes up for you. Go ahead and subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week, and I'll see you next time.

Muah, muah, muah. To your abundance. Bye.

Just for Today...

Commit to receive support on your financial healing journey.

Reach out to a trusted advisor - like me - and request to sign up for being held accountable to taking positive action and staying financially healthy.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

Want spiritual support on your healing journey but don't know where to start? Let's work #together!

Click the pink button below to book your Private Support Sessions with Victoria and jumpstart your healing journey, today!