Love Letters | Self-Sabotage #MLMM


Ready to change your life for the better, but keep running into roadblocks?

Feel like you are you're own worst enemy?

Wondering why you keep avoiding and dancing around taking that one big step in life that would be really good for you?

Your Spirit is bringing you opportunities to experience More Love in your life, but in order to receive it you need to understand exactly why you self-sabotage.

This time is raising your Abundance Vibration.

Watch the above video to learn how to heal self-sabotaging behaviors so you can actually use them to shift to an attractive, abundant mindset!

More Love and More Money - Video Series on Increasing Authentic Abundance

Self-sabotage is the #1 thing that stands between you and what you want.

It's this "I am my own worst enemy" syndrome in us that kicks up when we are about to make clear and significant progress.

In fact, it's usually when we know exactly what the next step is that we tend to give into self-sabotaging behaviors the most - such as going on social media, watching TV or pleasure-seeking in general to procrastinate taking that next step.

But why?


Change is always difficult because we are shifting from one identity and paradigm to a whole new one, and your Ego doesn't like that!

This is not because your Ego is bad or out to ruin your life. In fact, too many wellness and new-age thinkers demonize the Ego as the sum of all evil - and that is just not true!

You Ego is your first response system that serves to protect you and your identity from danger or being compromised. It came in especially handy when you are living out in the wild and needed to have that instinctual response to avoiding dangers like predatory animals and dangerous weather.

But now that we're no longer in need of this instinctual alert system as much, the Ego has become over-reactive, and tends to kick on when we are about to do (or are "in danger" of doing) something that involves a higher output of personal energy than we have grown accustomed to generating.

Therefore, self-sabotaging behaviors are caused by an instinctual, over-reactive Ego - and this means that they present us with the Dark Gift of an opportunity to experience More Love in our lives. And of course, your Ego right now is saying:


Healing self-sabotaging behaviors starts with honoring your Ego; when you start to self-sabotage or procrastinate, just acknowledge that the purpose of your Ego is to protect you and that that's why you have the compulsion to avoid taking action.

Know this: Self-sabotage is an opportunity for Love. See it as a Dark Gift from your Ego bringing up fears that are false so they can heal. #MLMM

When you feel like you're afraid or reluctant to start that project or take that leap of faith, pause and take stock of what you're actually afraid of - and then ask yourself "is that true?"

Nine times out of ten, the things we fear the most are not even real!

As creative and sensitive people, we tend to catastrophize situations, winding ourselves into a panic-filled analysis of imagined worst-case scenarios, rather than just walking right into the situation and ALLOWING it to unfold naturally itself.

And that's actually the spiritual lesson behind self-sabotage - an unwillingness to Allow. This is big, because being able to Allow is crucial to increasing your abundance vibration.

Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which explains exactly what part of your spiritual anatomy is tied to healing self-sabotaging behaviors!

In Love and Light,


Just for Today...

Be honest. Write down if and how you feed yourself false senses of security and false feelings of love with temporary pleasures like procrastination.

And then realize that you are taking the easy way out and feigning loving yourself with "quick fixes" instead of really exploring and embracing your true feelings.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

Want to release self-sabotage so you can attract more abundance?

Give me a call at 732-903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!